It's still unfinished, but im half-way through painting the owl.
Things got a bit crazy on the dance floor..
Naboo has shiny shiny shoes, and a nice big mug of Canadian Club.
Dance moon girl dance!
Milky joe! ...Googe was drinking gravy from the pot.
Kip was the Crackfox. with syringe fingers and all.
Dancing to "do you love me? are you playing your love games with me?"
Vince, the hitcher, another vince, old greg, & the spirit of jazz.
"look into our eyes you can see the future look into our eyes we can see your soul we will be together everything is good here" ...Mindwashed by the yetis.
The spirit of jazz, the hitcher and Vince Noir!
The Mighty Boosh partay begins! The Hitcher coming at you!
Someone smashed a bustop. So we danced around on the broken glass for a bit... mm good idea.
Toilets from the FUTURE
Myself, the lovely amy and the lovely clare hanging out on the grass before heading off to the world bar again.
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