Saturday, June 6, 2009

Was letting my cat inside at 2 am the other day, and looked out to see the thickest fog infront of our house.. so we went frollicking.


Me, trying to see through the fog.

Found some funny frankie magazines i drew on a while ago. I think amy did the one on the left.

Got into bed and saw this stuck on the wall next to me .. thanks kip!

Finally bought the leather jacket i'd saved for, at Cream on King. Pretty much been wearing it 24-7.

started painting my deck the other day.. farewell, ugly checkered speed demons design!


  1. help me think of something!
    im just painting it white at the moment and then ill paint something over it. i want to do some heaps 80s rob roskopp style thing, but i also want to do like a landscape scene with like mountains and stuff.
